Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Party party party!!!

I had a toddler – icing – jelly – fun – love overdose this weekend! We celebrated Mischa’s 1st birthday! It was extremely exhausting, but lots of fun. Even though my only job was to play photographer (and eat cake), I had to take a mid day nap after the party!

After the Saturday’s fun and excitement, I have a lot more respect for parents... Being running fit and being toddler fit are definitely two different things! How do they do it?

It was so entertaining, watching Mischa empty every single bowl of jelly over her head and destroying her birthday cake (making sure no one would want to take a bite from it).

Her birthday outfit from that day will never be the same again, but who cares?! She had a blast and that’s the most important thing!

I love you my Muis!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our wedding...

...filled with fun colourful moments...

I have to admit... I will always remember the fun we had looking at these photographs.
Try beat this much fun with colour!!!

Our wedding...

...filled with detail and love...

I thrive on detail. Sometimes I am such a pain in the ass! I make my life more complicated then it should be and create more work for myself – but the end result and attention to detail makes it worth while.

For those who also love detail, all I want to say is... thank you – thank you for noticing.

Our wedding...

...filled with such special, innocent moments...

These are my favorite photographs. They contain so much emotion that it brings tears to my eyes. I feel a pain in my heart, not because I am sad or unhappy, but because I have the privilege to feel and experience intense love...

I look at the photograph of Sarel waiting for me in the church and he looks so vulnerable and innocent (obviously coping with an emence load of thoughts, stress, excitement and maybe a little bit of sadness all at once). Sadness of a dear loved one who passed away just a few months before our wedding – someone who looked forward to our wedding and couldn’t stop talking about it... and sadness about the support he didn’t get from people he really needed it from. In moments like these you discover your true family and friends – not necessarily the ones you spend the most time with.